Toby Goodchild and FITBEING ROCKS!!! This guy is a fantastic instructor, he has educated me about food and exercise and I have a lot to thank him for. He should feel really proud of what he has ach...
Kelly Jones
When I first came to FITBEING group I could not have imagined what your training would do for me. The greatest and most positive change in my life both physically and mentally has occurred over the...
Penny Mallory
Toby has been my Personal Trainer for 18 months. As my boredom threshold with fitness and exercise is very low, I asked Toby to devise constantly changing session so that I didn’t get bored and l...
Heidi Payne
Since training with Toby I feel amazing. I have seen a great difference in my body shape and have stopped being food obsessed. I have surprised myself, even though the exercises are tough, I look f...