Amanda Southwood

Toby Goodchild and FITBEING ROCKS!!! This guy is a fantastic instructor, he has educated me about food and exercise and I have a lot to thank him for. He should feel really proud of what he has achieved with me and for so many other people. I wanted to get into shape for my wedding before then emigrating to Australia with my husband and children. I am now going to OZ feeling my fittest and healthiest and in my best shape ever. Thank you so much for all your help and support!!!

Steve Towle

I would like to say a massive thank you to Toby and FITBEING for his top-notch training, motivational help and guidance in me smashing all my goals. I want to join Themes Valley Police Special Constables but was told I was over weight, so failed my medical. I went home feeling really down and thought about what I could do to lose the weight and get medical clearance. I decided to contact Toby and FITBEING and we had a long discussion on how I could achieve it and most importantly WHY I wanted to do it. Toby very much based the discussion around my reason WHY I wanted to do it. If your reason Why is not bigger than your reason not to do it, than it is very hard to succeed in anything. After his motivational chat I was 100% committed to achieving it and getting off the 2 stone needed to pass the medical. As the weeks went by I trained and was pushed hard while following all the healthy eating advice. At the end of the first 2 months I had not only achieved my goal but passed it. The moral of the story is there is no reason why it can’t be done if you really want it enough. I later breezed my medical so now onto the fitness test, which will be easy as I am so much fitter healthier stronger and lighter. Thanks man!

Kay Mara

One thing I desperately wanted to do was lose weight for my wedding. Since Toby has been my personal trainer I’ve lost over 2 stone SO FAR and have learnt so much while doing it and I am still going strong. I have made so many new friends and with help and support from all my love ones old and new, I am becoming so much healthier and fitter. Massive thank you to Toby and FITBEING for helping me achieve more than I though possible already. I have set new targets and still have a few pounds to lose but I'm having fun doing it.

Pete Cohen

Working in sports performance coaching, Pete has helped world class sporting stars and teams reach their peak performance, including Sally Gunnell, Ronnie O’Sullivan, Ellen Macarthur, Roger Black, Kent Cricket Team, and the Arsenal Football team. One of television's most motivational personalities, Pete has inspired and motivated audiences on ITV’s ‘Fat Chance’, BBC 2’s ‘Confidence Lab’ and Channel 4’s ‘Going for the Burn’ alongside many other appearances. Pete also enjoyed a highly successful run as GMTV’s Resident Life Coach and taking part in the hugely popular ‘Inchloss Island'.

Heidi Payne

Since training with Toby I feel amazing. I have seen a great difference in my body shape and have stopped being food obsessed. I have surprised myself, even though the exercises are tough, I look forward to each session. I have so much more energy and in general feel a whole lot happier and healthier. Toby helps you every step of the way making sure you stay on track and achieve you goal. I can’t recommend it enough. Give it a go, you wont regret it.

Simon Thomas

Not only is Toby of FITBEING a terrific instructor he is a great character who whilst being aware of my limitations was able to push me to achieve even more than I thought possible. If you are looking for someone to motivate you and do more than just fulfil your goals then Toby is your man, super experienced and utterly professional and he gets results

Kelly Jones

When I first came to FITBEING group I could not have imagined what your training would do for me. The greatest and most positive change in my life both physically and mentally has occurred over the past six months. You have seen me go from an out of shape, overweight person, to a person who has overcome self-doubt, lung-bursting cardio training, muscle fatigue, near cardiac arrest and exhaustion to find the person I knew I could be. The funny thing is, I have enjoyed every minute of it. As I reflect on this new person I have become, I realise that you have done more than just get me into shape; you have pressed me beyond my limits to see that with the right mindset and a little perseverance, you can achieve anything. My path of self-destruction has been rerouted to a path of fitness, health and greater happiness. I owe a lot of that success to you and your ability to inspire, push, joke, command, drill and ultimately transform the old me into the new me. It is a commitment, and it’s not easy, but the good things in life seldom are. The results I have achieved have been far beyond my expectations. You are a man of utmost integrity and dedication. I want to thank you so much for having such a positive impact on my life over these past 6 months. I want to thank you for believing in me but most importantly making me believe in myself. Finally, I want to thank you for our friendship. For those people thinking about finding the inner you, go to FITBEING, Toby will help you find this new path. You are worth it!

Penny Mallory

Toby has been my Personal Trainer for 18 months. As my boredom threshold with fitness and exercise is very low, I asked Toby to devise constantly changing session so that I didn’t get bored and lose interest in training. He came up with some brilliant exercises and routines that I have never seen before. His experience in the army has given him the perfect foundation to be able to push clients, keep them motivated and disciplined, and keep them distracted from the pain! Toby is easily the best Personal Trainer I have used and would highly recommend him to anyone - whatever age, size, shape or goal - he will be able to help get you sorted - I promise!

Andrea Carter

October 2015 saw me hit rock bottom – I was the heaviest (16st 10lbs/size 22), most unfit and unhappy I had ever been in my life. I was in and out of the doctors with numerous health issues including acid reflux, constant cough, stomach issues, aches and pains, heart palpitations and severe anxiety leading me to constantly fear that I was seriously unwell. I was struggling to climb the stairs at work and doing no exercise, added to this I was comfort eating and gaining more and more weight. I was depressed and had stopped living life - I regularly made excuses to avoid social situations, had no confidence and really didn’t like the person I had become. A family holiday to Florida really high-lighted how bad things were when I struggled to keep up walking around the theme parks. In addition my sister ended up in tears on her birthday when I struggled to climb the stairs at a bar and she told me she was scared I was going to die.

I knew I needed to do something but didn’t know where to start, previously I had tried numerous diets – Slimming World, Weight Watchers , The Cambridge Diet etc. but every time I put the weight back on and more. I was so heavy and unfit it felt like every exercise I used to do was now too hard and I feared I would injure myself – an attempt at jogging led to me ending up in A&E thinking I was having a heart attack! A personal trainer seemed the only sensible option but I really had no idea what this would involve – I did my research and talked to four companies and made the choice to choose Toby at FITBEING – probably the best decision I have ever made.

I chose Toby as he clearly demonstrated he was a professional with many years’ experience who knew what he was talking about – he really made me feel like if I was committed to success so was he, his drive, motivation and passion for what he does is infectious, he was determined that I would get results and I believed him. If I am honest I also picked him as I could tell he wasn’t going to take any wimping out or poor excuses and I needed someone that would push me. He has sorted out my diet – including providing great menu ideas, taught me to see food in an entirely different way and introduced me to exercise that is great fun – I won’t lie it was really hard at the start but Toby’s encouragement and ability to motivate me during each and every PT session gradually saw my fitness increase - seriously this guy never has an ‘off day’ not once have I left a session where I didn’t feeling amazing and like I had achieved something.

I feel like I have got my life back and can’t remember being happier. My doctor has taken me off all medication, including telling me I am not asthmatic and don’t need an inhaler anymore. My confidence is back and I am now achieving more in my career, making new friends (most of them via the fantastic FITBEING Family) and being brave enough to try new things including a several mud obstacle course races! Toby has made me feel like this woman can! He believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself and helped me to set goals I never would have thought possible which I continue to keep smashing.
Exercise is now the best part of every week – I have found a passion for lifting weights and regularly take part in circuit training– I was genuinely someone who was never ‘sporty’ but Toby helped me find exercise I actually liked and once it makes you feel great it’s pretty addictive. I became brave enough to go to some group FITBEING classes (which are included as part of your PT membership) and met a fantastic group of like-minded people who are so supportive and tons of fun.

My life has changed beyond recognition - I have lost count of the number of people telling me how I have changed for the better, not just physically but also emotionally. Never underestimate the impact diet and exercise can have on overall wellbeing, there is no way I will ever go back to my old life and to be honest I would be too scared of Toby finding out if I did! My only regret is that I wish I had done this years’ ago – there is no better investment than investing in yourself and your health and there is no better person to help you than Toby Goodchild. Toby is the ultimate trainer, if you pick him you WILL get results, he is genuinely one of the most inspirational people I have met and I can’t ever thank him enough for the impact he has had on my life - I would have paid him double;)

Jackie Baker Crossman

FITBEING has completely changed my life!! I now love exercising and look forward to every session and thanks to fantastic nutritional advice and training sessions. I have dropped 2 dress sizes and am healthier and happier than I have ever been. Thank you FITBEING!!!

Becky Puddle

Thank you for all your inspiration you have truly inspired me in more ways than you will ever know. I’m grateful for you believing in me and making it possible for me to not only reach, but also go way beyond all my dreams and goals. #PowerOn

Sarah Mitchel

Toby makes health and fitness fun and importantly educational so you can implement healthy changes into your normal daily life. His sessions will work you hard but you will get the results you want. I am now fitter, healthier, lighter, and as an added bonus I have increased my circle of friends. I highly recommend FITBEING if you want to have fun while achieving your all your health and fitness goals.

Neil Fox & Trudie Long

See what Neil & Trudie have to say about a recent bootcamp session.

Nick Roland

Toby’s years of extensive experience and knowledge shine through. His approachable manner and his ‘we can do this’ attitude inspires you to achieve more. He pushes you hard but understands your limits while making the training enjoyable; this enables you to keep improving. Having spent years being stuck and getting nowhere with fitness and weight loss and now being educated and trained by Toby and FITBEING it has truly changed my life. I am slimmer, healthier, fitter have bags more energy. This is a journey I am totally committed to. I can’t recommend Toby highly enough.